
Difference (from prior minor revision)

Changed: 4c4

< Tab-separated columns are: ##Domain, ?, Path, Secure(?), Expires, Name, Value##


> Tab-separated columns are: ##Domain, Only Sent To Creator, Path, Secure(?), Expires, Name, Value##

HTTrack supports cookies. The option is on by default but may be turned off through Options > Spider > Accept cookies (or with -b0 in commandline).

When HTTrack is sent a cookie by the remote server it saves the information to a file called cookies.txt (see specification below) in the root of the project's folder.


Tab-separated columns are: Domain, Only Sent To Creator, Path, Secure(?), Expires, Name, Value

Example cookies.txt:

# HTTrack Website Copier Cookie File
# This file format is compatible with Netscape cookies	TRUE	/	FALSE	1999999999	foo	bar	TRUE	/folder	FALSE	1999999999	JSESSIONID	xxx1234	TRUE	/hello	FALSE	1999999999	JSESSIONID	yyy1234


If cookies.txt exists it will be used by HTTrack in future project updates. This may cause conflicts on the server and unexpected results if the server is not expecting those old cookies.

Where cookie-reliant sites are involved it's a good idea to delete the cookies.txt file before running a project update.

However you may have the opposite problem—where you have the need to define specific cookie values to send to a server. In this case you can edit the cookies.txt file (see specification above) with exactly what you need.